Seeing life through rose-colored glasses or the glass half-full... early in the morning, a lot of people can't do that right away. This is at least the case for about 16% of the population or 1.5 million Belgians. That's why we wondered: why does it bother so many people and how can you remedy that morning mood?


Of course, you're more likely to have a grim temper in the morning if you've slept badly. Did you sleep less than 6 hours or do you have an irregular sleeping pattern? Then you probably won't be the happy morning sun in the house.

A second possible cause: hormones. This is often the case with women when your hormonal balance is disturbed. This is for example the case during the premenstrual phase and during the menopause because your body temporarily produces more or slightly less progesterone.

Sleep inertia also has an effect. Some people simply need more time to wake up. For 6 out of 10 people with a morning mood, not all parts of the brain wake up at the same time. As a result, performance, mood, memory and alertness are not yet at their peak in the morning. Moreover, this sleep inertia can last from a few minutes to several hours.  

Finally, it is also logical to have a morning mood if you are an evening or night person. Earlier we indicated that this is in your DNA. You can do little or even nothing about it yourself. Well, the same goes for your mood in the morning. Getting up early doesn't feel natural for night owls.

1. Sleep hygiene

Less growl, more "the dawn has gold in its mouth"? Then start at the beginning: tackle your sleep hygiene! Regularity, small sleep rituals, avoiding alcohol and caffeine in the evening, ... it can all help to improve your sleep as well as your morning mood.

2. Pamper your senses

Do you no longer have any action points when it comes to sleep hygiene? Then make your mornings as pleasant as possible by pampering your senses. Let the sunlight into your room. Open the windows. Use fresh-smelling shampoo. Make coffee or toast. All those impressions tell your brain that a new day is beginning.

3. Talk, sing, dance, move

Anyone with a morning mood is usually neither very communicative nor active. However, it helps to converse, jump around, dance, walk or cycle as soon as you get up. That way your brain wakes up faster. Go for the quick pain!

What do you do to tackle your morning mood?

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